Mon 27 Jan
🎀🎀NEW PICs🎀BIg BOOty💟 THicK ThigHs💖 SeXY💕 FETISH- FREINDLY💕 ReADy To BE YOurs❤563-552-0166 - 24
(Davenport anywhere u r, Quad Cities)
Fri 10 Jan
🌹🍀🍀C.O.M.E and eXpLoRe my 🌷SeXY, wILd but yET CrAzY ERoTiC SiDe of SeDuCtIvE DeSiREs🌸🌸🌺563-6 - 24
(Quad Cities, quad cities anywhere u r)
Thu 09 Jan
🌹ThuRSdaY SpECiAlS 🌹 MakE tHiS yoUr FirSt StoP 🌼🌹🌼🌼BeSt of BeSt*KiNky 🌹563-552-0166 - 25
(Davenport anywhere u r, Quad Cities)
Wed 08 Jan
💓💜💓💓💓 SuNDaY SPECIALs 💓💜💜💜💓 MakE tHiS yoUr FirSt StoP💋💜💓💓 BeSt of BeSt👄KiNky 💓💜💓 - 24
(Davenport anywhere u r, Quad Cities)
Tue 07 Jan
💕💋Uʆtiɱɑtɛ pʆɛɑรuʀɛ ❤💋 NeW PicS 💋 KrYsTaL is the one you WANT💋❤💕💜 - 24
(Quad Cities, quad cities and anywhere u r)
STOP 💋💋TOP NOTCH ❤❤ upscale 💛💜❤ Kinky, 💋SEXY,💋 Tight, 💛and WELL worth IT..💖❤💋 563-213-4502 - 24
(davenport and anywhere u r, Quad Cities)
💓💜💓💓💓 SuNDaY SPECIALs 💓💜💜💜💓 MakE tHiS yoUr FirSt StoP💋💜💓💓 BeSt of BeSt👄KiNky 💓💜💓 - 24
(Davenport anywhere u r, Quad Cities)
New !🍭O⃣N⃣E⃣ 🍥 T⃣A⃣S⃣T⃣E⃣ 🍯 A⃣N⃣D⃣ 🍰Y⃣O⃣U⃣'L⃣L⃣ 🍦 B⃣E⃣ 🍨 I⃣N⃣ 🍩 L⃣O⃣V⃣E⃣🍬 - 24
(Davenport anywhere u r, Quad Cities)
Mon 06 Jan
New !🍭O⃣N⃣E⃣ 🍥 T⃣A⃣S⃣T⃣E⃣ 🍯 A⃣N⃣D⃣ 🍰Y⃣O⃣U⃣'L⃣L⃣ 🍦 B⃣E⃣ 🍨 I⃣N⃣ 🍩 L⃣O⃣V⃣E⃣🍬 - 24
(Davenport anywhere u r, Quad Cities)
🌹🍀🍀C.O.M.E and eXpLoRe my 🌷SeXY, wILd but yET CrAzY ERoTiC SiDe of SeDuCtIvE DeSiREs🌸🌸🌺563-6 - 24
(Quad Cities, quad cities anywhere u r)
🎀🎀NEW PICs🎀BIg BOOty💟 THicK ThigHs💖 SeXY💕 FETISH- FREINDLY💕 ReADy To BE YOurs❤563-552-0166 - 24
(Davenport anywhere u r, Quad Cities)
Sat 04 Jan
🌹ThuRSdaY SpECiAlS 🌹 MakE tHiS yoUr FirSt StoP 🌼🌹🌼🌼BeSt of BeSt*KiNky 🌹563-552-0166 - 25
(Davenport anywhere u r, Quad Cities)
Fri 03 Jan
STOP 💋💋TOP NOTCH ❤❤ upscale 💛💜❤ Kinky, 💋SEXY,💋 Tight, 💛and WELL worth IT..💖❤💋 563-213-4502 - 24
(davenport and anywhere u r, Quad Cities)
Thu 02 Jan