Mon 27 Jan
! GUARENTEED SATISFACTION,GENTLEMEN Labella,Ms. Naughty llaDY'SPECI!! call now 2 Schedule!! - 29
(Quad Cities, surrounding areas)
>Labella,Ms. Naughty lil laDY'S WkNDPECIALS!! call now 2 Schedule!! - 29
(Quad Cities, surrounding areas)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
**Sexy College Girl Looking For A PlayMate** 5 Star Satisfaction Guarunteed! - 20
(Quad Cities, Davenport In & Outcalls! (;)
Fri 10 Jan
Truly Angels Escorts Featuring *~JAZMINE TAYLOR*~ Avail THURSDAY, 6/30 ONLY! Pre-booking NOW!!! - 27
(Quad Cities)
Truly Angels Escorts Featuring *~JENNY EVE *~ Available THURSDAY 10/14 ONLY!!! Pre Booking NOW!!!
Best Service in Town - 19
(Ames, Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, Dubuque, Fort Dodge, Iowa City, Mason City, Quad Cities, Sioux City, Southeast Iowa, Waterloo, anywhere you want me!)
Thu 09 Jan
√√•°•°√√ HOT¡!¡ special! (($60 hh $100 hr)) √√•°•°√√ wOnT bE hErE 4 lOnG! DONt MISS OUT!!! - 25
(Quad Cities, Dewitt (Incall only))
🌹ThuRSdaY SpECiAlS 🌹 MakE tHiS yoUr FirSt StoP 🌼🌹🌼🌼BeSt of BeSt*KiNky 🌹563-552-0166 - 25
(Davenport anywhere u r, Quad Cities)
Wed 08 Jan
Tuesday Night Specialls;) BP's #1 Hottie!... Give Me A Call! ;) - 20
(Quad Cities, moline (incall Only))
💓💜💓💓💓 SuNDaY SPECIALs 💓💜💜💜💓 MakE tHiS yoUr FirSt StoP💋💜💓💓 BeSt of BeSt👄KiNky 💓💜💓 - 24
(Davenport anywhere u r, Quad Cities)
Tue 07 Jan
Truly Angels Escorts Featuring *~JENNY EVE*~ Avail FRIDAY 3/11 ONLY!!! Pre-Booking NOW!!! - 35
o© {LET} °o© {MY} °o© {BODY} °o© {DO} °o© {THE} °o© {TALKING } °!! - 25
(Quad Cities, QC AREA ((YOURS)))
Mon 06 Jan
! GUARENTEED SATISFACTION,GENTLEMEN Labella,Ms. Naughty llaDY'SPECI!! call now 2 Schedule!! - 29
(Quad Cities, surrounding areas)
*~RENEE - COUTURE*~ Visiting Quad Cities!!! Available THURSDAY 1/20 ONLY!!! Pre-Booking Now!!! - 28
(Quad Cities)
Truly Angels Escorts Featuring *~JENNY EVE*~ Avail FRIDAY 3/11 ONLY!!! Pre-Booking NOW!!! - 35
Sun 05 Jan
o© {LET} °o© {MY} °o© {BODY} °o© {DO} °o© {THE} °o© {TALKING } °!! - 25
(Quad Cities, QC AREA ((YOURS)))
Truly Angels Escorts Featuring *~JENNY EVE*~ Available FRIDAY 12/17 ONLY!!! Pre-Booking NOW!!! - 34
Sat 04 Jan
♦ Your Perfect Gem ♦ Naturally Beautiful ♦ Sparkling Specials ♦ - 25
(Quad Cities, quadcities and surrounding areas)
🌹ThuRSdaY SpECiAlS 🌹 MakE tHiS yoUr FirSt StoP 🌼🌹🌼🌼BeSt of BeSt*KiNky 🌹563-552-0166 - 25
(Davenport anywhere u r, Quad Cities)
Truly Angels Escorts Featuring *~ASHLEY MAYFAIR*~ TUES 11/12 ONLY!!! NEW PICS!! Pre-Booking NOW!!! - 28
(Quad Cities)
Fri 03 Jan
°o♥o° N.a.U.g.H.t.Y. °o♥o° TeMpTaTiOnS °o♥o° WeLL ReVieWeD °o♥o° - 25
(Quad Cities, quadcities and surrounding areas)
Thu 02 Jan